Why Do I Keep Self-Sabotaging Myself? Exploring the Hidden Roots and Path to Healing

Why Do I Keep Self-Sabotaging?


Are you constantly self-sabotaging your own success and happiness? I recently had a session with a client who wanted to be free of a lifetime of self-sabotaging behaviours.

Unveiling the Root Cause of Self-Sabotage

Through regression we went back to a few memories to the determine the root cause of his behaviour. The one that stood out was of him as a premature baby, all alone in hospital, in physical and emotional pain. He wasn’t wanted by his mum, and he knew instinctively that he had no one. He had no control if he was going to live or die. And though he wanted to die, he was too frightened.

Lifelong Struggle of Addiction and Self-Destructive Behaviours

He lived of course and was given up for adoption to a beautiful, loving family. But regardless of this, he internalised and believed very early on that he was unloved, unwanted, and unworthy. This belief followed him throughout his life, leading to addiction, alcoholism, and other self-destructive behaviours.

Although, he is no longer an addict or an alcoholic, his deep unconscious feelings of unworthiness, still plagued him. And when we identified the parts of him that were still self-sabotaging in other ways through a process called Role, Function, Purpose and Intention, a tool used in Rapid Transformational Therapy, we discovered that he self-sabotaged, because he believed that he didn’t deserve to be alive. He also believed that he had to punish himself because of all the people he had hurt throughout his life. In his words, he was addicted to suffering.

Dialogue and Self-Forgiveness: A Path to Liberation

To further facilitate his healing, we engaged in a transformative process called Dialogue with the Hurter. With this technique I got my client to speak to the people that had hurt him and vice versa, and I also got him to forgive himself. Through this dialogue, he expressed his pain, released pent-up emotions, and found closure. And when we were done, he gave himself permission to metaphorically stop “committing suicide with blunt razor blades.”

The Power of Rapid Transformational Therapy: Unlocking Freedom from Within

The profound transformation experienced by my client highlights the remarkable power of RTT®. You see your subconscious holds the key to your freedom. No amount of talk therapy could ever unlock the root cause and true reason why my client was stuck in his self-sabotaging patterns.

RTT®️ does what no other conscious based therapy can. I am so privileged to be able to do this work, thanks to Marisa Peer who spent over 30 years refining this method.

Embrace Your Healing Journey

As an RTT® practitioner, I consider it a privilege to witness these life changing transformations. If you resonate with this story and feel compelled to embark on your own healing journey, I invite you to take the next step. Book an obligation-free connection call, with me to explore how RTT can support your transformation. Break free from self-sabotage, embrace self-love, and empower yourself to live a life or authenticity and fulfilment.  


My client’s inspiring transformation demonstrates the immense power of the subconscious mind and its influence on our beliefs and behaviours. Through exploring the root cause of why he self-sabotaged, my client was able to set himself free. If you are ready to release the chains of self-sabotage and embark on a transformative healing journey, reach out today. Your healing journey begins with a choice, and I am here to support you every step of the way.


Unleashing Transformation: The Power of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)


Sometimes Knowing Your “Why” Just Isn’t Enough: Uncovering Unconscious Barriers for True Transformation